Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Wish I Could Stop Thinking About My Lip

OK. So the phone rings at about 9:10 this morning. "Had I forgotten my dentist appointment?" Well as a matter of fact, I had. This was an appointment I had made just 2 days ago after receiving a medical credit card that allows me to pay back dental procedures over time. Dr. Mark has been telling me for a couple years that "# 17" really needed a partial crown. About $500 after insurance.

So I rushed in and found my self waiting for them to finish pulling a couple of teeth out of kid who had fallen and partially knocked out a couple of his baby teeth. He had slipped nicely into the time slot caused by my tardiness. So I played Bubblet on my PDA working into quite a nice average score. About half an hour later they noticed that I could have been on gas this whole time. It was time to numb me up... and with no gas to make me not care that they were sticking a needle in my mouth.

Dr. Mark started talking about needles and how they were made and why people were afraid of them. This is actually the wrong kind of thing to talk about to relax me. You actually need to distract me so I think of anything BUT needles. He seemed to use a little more numbing solution than usual and I felt my lower lip and the tip of my tongue first get prickly and then seem to disappear from my face. Oh well, the gas mask is now in place. Breathe deeply.

Skipping through the procedure itself (gas allows me to be somewhere else anyway), I'm back at home. It is 1:45pm. My tongue is OK but my lower lip is still not attached to my face, it seems. I'm hungry but there is no way I can eat anything without a lip. There is an itch where my lower lip used to be but when I reach up to scratch it, there is this fleshy blob in the way of my fingers reaching the source. Aaaargh!

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