Monday, March 31, 2014

Plodding along in the middle

I'm trying to get used to this new feeling.  Just a little sick all the time.  Not so sick as to complain or require special treatment, but a general, slight lowering of well-being.  I'm a little grumpier and a little harder to live with but otherwise living a normal life.  Part of that normal is chemo every Tuesday. Providing it is working I'll continue on this path through the summer.

My first glimpse into the effectiveness of this treatment begins with a scan this Friday and a meeting with Dr, Scott next Tuesday to review results.  I think the best to hope for is that the lesions identified in the last scan will not have grown much.  Shrinking them will take more time.

I like to think of it as chopping off both the highs and the lows.  Gone is the thrill of good health and optimism I enjoyed last year but also gone is the fast-growing specter of killing disease.  The cure lies somewhere in the middle of those two.


Teresa L. Thome said...


Teresa L. Thome said...


Thom B said...

Hoping Friday brings good news and a lift to your spirits, Chuck.