Monday, May 19, 2014


It was a weird week last week.  I was having visual problems and lightheadedness that I chalked up to migraines.  That may still be the source of the visual symptoms but the problems led to an MRI on Friday and I just got a phone call telling me I had a stroke.  Must be a very small one because I don't seem to have stroke symptoms but it means getting back on a daily aspirin regimen.

When I had my appointment with Dr. Santos, the Neurologist/ Ophthalmologist, to see why large fields of vision were disappearing, he ran a battery of tests that indicated the possibility of something in the brain.  The fear was that it would be a brain tumor from metastasized cancer.  There was an unexplained spot on my retina and a visual field test that hinted something was not right.  He ordered the MRI, this time at the Lemmen Holton Cancer Center (part of Spectrum Health) so I was able to do some comparison shopping.  Their MRI machine seemed smaller and less frightening and they didn't offer music (a ridiculous salve for the loud MRI noises) and they did offer a cool blindfold and an array of snacks at the end.  I think points go to Lemmen Holton.  A "wet read" was ordered, which meant my Dr. would get results within the hour.

Somehow, Dr. Santos was unreachable and I waited all evening for the call.  Finally at 10:30pm the phone rang it was Dr. Mohr, a partner of my primary care physician, Dr. Hazle. When they couldn't reach Dr. Santos, they bumped down to the next guy on the list and since Dr. Hazle was not the guy on call, it was bumped again to Dr. Mohr, who I guess I would say I like based on our conversation.  He did not blurt out the results.  He said he did not know me and wanted first for me to set up the story as to why I was having an MRI.  After hearing my story he said, "Well I guess this is good news".  No tumor.  The bad news being that I'd had a stroke.  The further good news being that I did not have any horrible stroke symptoms or evidence of permanent damage.

A bunch of new tests have been added to this Friday's CT scan looking for the source of the clot. The doctors say I am too young to be having a stroke and it is undoubtedly related to cancer.  I still feel light headed but am somewhat relieved that this is my last week of classes.

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