Thursday, November 15, 2007

Seriously, It's November?

Suddenly all my "way in the future" deadlines are next week, including the return of Alice. Abby is dancing and singing cause she is so excited to have her sister back.

A quick update on the dogs... I now see why the dogs are vicious. i saw the owner put them out today and watched as he slugged the female (the one that attacked me) right in the head for no reason at all. This set me off and I've been fuming mad all afternoon. I called the City, Animal Control and the police department again to complain about how wrong the situation is. I even vented angrily at a title insurance representative who needed me to copy a 13 page document about my divorce decree so it was in the house purchase file.

An interesting side note... after I posted the Vicious Dogs video on YouTube, I got a message from a Pit Bull lover. It was a very sympathetic voice which is not what I expected. Most pit bull lovers want to go on about how wonderful the species is. This person commented on how stupid people can be.

The house sale seems to have taken a positive step forward. The buyer declined an inspection. He knows he is getting a good deal and doesn't want to spend the extra $400. He called me and he seems like a real nice guy. He asked if it would be OK to make copies of the house pictures that are hanging on the wall. I think we can work it that we can close on the new house before Alice gets home so we can show it to her right away and begin moving at any time. We won't need to get out of Grove Street until after December. We'll be straddling two houses for about a month and a half. Can't wait to show Alice the Coit Street house. I think she is going to like it. It will also be a distraction from the inevitable post-adventure letdown that will undoubtedly occur. It's a whole new adventure.

I also got a really great idea for Alice. Of course it is my idea and not hers so I must prepare myself for the possibility that it will not seem as mind-blowingly great as I think it is. Here is a hint... it's a volunteer opportunity that could stretch into an internship that could take her exactly where she wants to go.

I also need to mention that Mary and I had another Emergency Room adventure. This time it was for her. That kidney stone decided to take a trip part way down her urethra. This caused a blockage that backed up her kidneys and told her stomach to throw up any liquids that went in there. Turns out it is a biggee. 8mm in diameter and another one waiting in the wings. 6mm is considered impassable. This means she has to schedule a lithotripsy. Apparently there is a lot of people with stones and only so many lithotriptors. They can't get her in to bust up that sucker until December 3rd when I'll be saying, "Seriously, it's December?" In the mean time, lots of drugs.

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