You can never predict. Some foods sound really good but once you put them in your mouth there is a great disappointment. Watermelon was good so cantaloupe must be OK too, right? Well, not so much.
Mary bought me a small package of Dutch licorice (for those unfamiliar with Dutch style, it is salty). It is true that I like Dutch licorice and even appreciate the "dubbel
zout" (double salt) variety, which many find repulsive, immediately spitting it out especially if they think they are eating candy. But this particular package had the word "Herring" at the top and this gave me some pause. I checked the ingredients to see if the salt might originate from little salty fish. It appeared to be a vegetarian recipe. Regardless, I set the package aside thinking with all my nausea and coughing and disagreeable foods and food textures, Dutch licorice was bound to clash with something. Just the word "herring" set my stomach on edge. Nice try, Mary.
But last night my old friend Herm stopped by for a visit and a glass of Founders Centenial IPA. (I'm drinking water by the way.) It was Herm's dad, a Dutch immigrant, who originally turned me on to Dutch licorice. As young teenagers and descendents of Hollanders, we took some pride in the appreciation of this acquired taste. We would even make an occasional foray into the Dutch store to sample Dutch licorice in its various forms. Right next to the cases of Dutch chocolate, we chose licorice.
So I decided to tear into the package of "herring" in honor of Herm's visit and immediately discovered that the licorice was in the SHAPE of herring. Duh! My second discovery was that this Dutch licorice came alive in my mouth. It was stroking all the right taste buds. And the chewy texture somehow provided a perfect mouthfeel. And then it felt good going down.
Herm and I both polished of several herring and then went our separate ways.
And now I am chasing these nasty "Xeloda" chemo horse pills that I have to take twice a day with Dutch licorice. It gives me some incentive to make the swallow.
Hey, Chuck -
I just bought some of these Herring! I like the "Farm" the best - hard & light salt. Will try herring soon.
Wanted you to know I have been following your blog, and have been intrigued, amused, and inspired.
Thinking of you often, Karen
Well, now I will have to find this yummy sounding Dutch Licorice. I love the red and black varieties, but have never heard of the Dutch type. Will look around and find some I hope and will let you know what I think. Continue to enjoy being a part of your blogosphere. Take care. Betty
hmm i may have to try it too. but! i forgot about the gluten. oh well. Letting you know I've been following along and appreciate how open you've been through this journey. thinking of you and your family often. sending my love. <3 -emma
Steve likes that crazy foreign licorice, too. I'll have to see if I can hunt it down for him. We had an exchange student from Denmark who brought some with her and he's never been happy with anything else since! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have two pieces of Mary's art in my living room and whenever I see them I think of the two of you. Best, Marie
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